Holistic Healing for Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Welcome to B-Love!


Cure yourself with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon. With the sound of the river and the waterfall. With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of birds.

Maria Sabina


  • sacred ceremony.

  • yoga.

  • swim.

Myths, like mushrooms, are above ground reproductive flourishes. Entering into the open, they sporulate old knowledge in new ways. A hero is not an individual. A hero is a reproductive event.

Sophie Strand, The Flowering Wand



“I took a few “micro melt” yoga classes with Brittany and they gave me a nice lift in spirit and deep relaxation—a step above my usual yoga practice, thanks to the microdose of mushrooms. [For my private full-dose ceremony] Brittany was a thoughtful, soulful shepherd. She held the space so lovingly and without judgment. In hindsight, I am really in awe of the work she does and how special she made the day-long journey. ”

Ray Rogers, Executive Editor, Purist

“Months later I am still benefitting a lot from my ceremony with Brittany. I left the day after our journey for my next destination and had the best road trip, followed by a diving trip which began rocky, with tropical storms, intense currents and no whales or exciting sea life around. Towards the end of the trip, I almost drowned, due to faulty gear and intense currents pushing me down and far out into the pitch black, dark, deepness and out of sight for everyone. I couldn’t even see the surface and the currents were too strong to get upwards anyways. I panicked, my oxygen was low and I was having trouble breathing. Then I remembered our ceremony…I remembered the deep knowing of being safe, how everything is connected, and how the afterlife would be. Then I closed my eyes, and could breathe easily again. When I opened them I got rescued. The next day I had this knowing I will meet my whale and was hoping for dolphins too. In the end I got to dive with both whales and dolphins. We played for twenty minutes till I had to leave, apparently it is rare that they will approach divers and play for so long.

Brittany, you are such a beautiful spirit and healing angel! Thank you for the kind words. The ceremony was way beyond my encounter with whales, since I was able to let go of stubborn past trauma and you facilitated this.”

Nikki O. - New York

“My private deep-dive ceremony with Brittany changed my life! I had been struggling with trauma, both physically and mentally, from an unethical Daime server in Samara, and after my ceremony with Brittany, I was back to 100% myself. Brittany never left my side, and so gently, yet firmly, held the space for me to deeply heal. She supported me through my week-long integration process as well. I felt so loved and cared for through the entire process and I HIGHLY recommend working with her. She is deeply connected to the mushroom medicine and its possibilities for deep healing. ”

Mary - Owner, MSB Creative

“Working with Brittany has been a deeply supportive and transformative experience. Her care and intentional process were deeply felt in my experience with her micro doses. Everything I called in to work on has magically been aligning in my life and I'm endlessly grateful for the support from this great plant medicine teacher and from the beautiful container that Brittany creates. I plan to continue working with her and her healing medicine.””

Mia Maikowski- Owner, Espiritu de la Luz

“I did a one on one journey with Brittany when I was on a trip to Nosara. I was looking for someone to sit in ceremony with who would be able to create an environment for me to move energy and release unhealthy attachments and patterns that I knew were time to go. She was so in tune with the medicine, and helped me see parts of myself that had been veiled and were ready to be revealed. Our beautiful fire, and the safe environment she created allowed me to fully release what was ready to go. Brittany also understands how important integration is following ceremony. She was so supportive in checking in and illuminating that the journey will continue to unfold - it doesn’t just end when the medicine wears off. I am so grateful that I found Brittany.”

Olivia C.- New York